Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How would you know?

What if you are a middle aged person and have functioned well enough throughout life, however for much of your life you have continued to stumble in certain ways? Things that seem normal since they are seen in others and discussed at length in regards to everyone. For example, things like procrastination, focus, and effort. These are three common troublesome areas for dealing with business, work, school, and most everything.
Then you discover its ADHD? Fortunately, this has been diagnosed and recognized in the last 50 years, so treatment options are available.
Then one day, just by chance, that person happens upon information that seems to fill in all the blanks, everything fits, and it honestly feels like the puzzle has been solved. How does that person deal with that? Especially if more than half their life expectancy is over?
I guess go to a professional and see if the new found information fits and if so, rejoice?
If not, nothing lost?
Well I have always known I have had ADD, ADHD and found out later in life I had Dyslexia too. It explained many things and I found that embracing it helped me to use it to my advantage whenever possible. I hope I can do the same with what I believe is the final piece of the puzzle.
It sure would explain many things. Many things that I struggle with and really get down on myself for. Its called Executive Function or EF. EF has these issues but can be curtailed and treated. That would be awesome, I hope its true.
Just in case anyone else is out there that has or suspects they have ADHD, this is a subcategory of that condition. One of the main identifiers is an unusually high IQ. Mine was 161 when tested and I believe was my epiphany.
Here are a couple excerpts;

ADHD as Impairment of Executive Functions

In the context of ADHD, the term executive functions

refers to a wide range of central cognitive functions that

play a critical role for all individuals as they manage

multiple tasks of daily life. One model of EF includes the

following six clusters of cognitive functions that tend to

be impaired in individuals with ADHD.

1. Activation: organizing tasks and materials,

estimating time, prioritizing tasks, and getting

started on work tasks.

2. Focus: focusing, sustaining focus, and shifting

focus to tasks. They say they are distracted easily not only by

things that are going on around them but also by

their own thoughts.

The following link;
or you can cut and paste this address to the article; http://www.drthomasebrown.com/pdfs/cmgarticle.pdf